This welcome news comes after a two-year, $65 million effort in which the company tackled the issue on multiple fronts:

  1. Crews working six days a week swept through 47 municipalities — removing nearly 5,000 lead service lines.
  2. Water quality experts installed cutting-edge testing equipment and enhanced water treatment.
  3. Thousands of customers took advantage of our offer to test the water inside their homes for free.

Testing continues to show there is no lead in the water leaving the treatment plant and that treatment has significantly improved corrosion control in homes with lead service lines. The system is in full compliance with regulations, according to results certified by the New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection.

We’re not done. Veolia is committed to removing all of the lead service lines owned by the company. In fact, we’re spending $20 million in 2021 to remove thousands more lead lines. We’re continuing our rigorous testing and improvements to corrosion control treatment.

The most important thing we do is provide our customers and our communities with safe, reliable drinking water. We continue to strive to protect our water supply and improve our service for residents and businesses in New Jersey. Clean, safe water has never been more essential.

If you are served or possibly served by a utility-owned lead service line and you want your water tested, please call our customer call center.

1-800-422-5987 or

We are here for our customers.